Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Thank You

Jonathan deserves the shout out of all shout outs.

In my usual procrastination method...I pushed my 7 mile run off all day yesterday. Literally ALL DAY.

It was approaching 11 pm and I was sure I had managed to skip another run.

I always make myself feel guilty about it, and I get all mad at myself, but somehow that guilt and anger doesn't motivate me to just get it done...it just produces this cycle of unhappiness.

But Jonathan, in his kind heart, said he would bike with me as I ran so I wasn't out alone at dark and wasn't forced to use the tredmill. And that my friends is a huge sacrifice. I run slow. And I mean sloooow. So biking from 11-midnight, at a snails pace, next to a panting, drenched in sweat girl sounds awful to me. But he was more than happy to do it.

Not just that, he provided an hours worth of encouragement that got me to run it faster than I ever could have without him.

What a guy. So selfless he is.

So selfless he agreed to wake up the next morning (after going to bed late because of the run/bike) to drive me 14 miles away from our house so that I could run home. I don't quite have the mental strength to run that far unless I am actually that far from home. So the sweet boy woke up early and drove me all that way.

This marathon training is all coming together because of him.

I would have quit by now i'm just sure of it.

In case I haven't said it enough, THANK YOU JONATHAN!

It's really nice to know you have a support system behind you. It has made all the difference in my life thus far, and becomes all the more evident when you are at the last of your rope, and you want to quit, and you look back and see your sweet husband riding a bike in the pitch black night behind you, just because he loves you.

Not because he wants me to run faster, or be anything different, just because he knows that is exactly where I need him to be.


  1. HAYLEY! I was going to text you last night because I totally saw you at the crosswalk at 8th North and 5th West (I think--by the Chevron station?) and it was supes close to midnight. I was like, "Man, who is that girl running this late? Oh, but look! Some guy is riding his bike with her. That's so sweet. Hey, it's Hayley! And Jonathan!" I thought it was totes adorbs.

    1. haha no way! that's so funny. you should have yelled at us, it would have scared me to death haha. oh too good, now what were YOU doing up that late?!

  2. Win win and win! Gosh I love you guys!
