Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Like A Rocket Just Watch Me Go

I feel like my relationship with Glee is a lot like my relationship with cottage cheese...

When I think about eating cottage cheese (or watching Glee, work with me here people.) I get kinda sick to my stomach. Just the thought of cottage cheese is a little iffy if you ask me.
But then when I'm eating it, sometimes I find myself completely content and lovin life.
Other times I'm eating it and SO wish I wasn't. But because i've already started eating it I feel like I have to finish it. No wasting on my college budget! So pretty much, it's a love hate relationship.

And thus we see, it is the same with Glee (that rhyme was so not intended). Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it, but all in all it provides some great soundtracks.

With that being said...

I've been thinking a lot about what i'm going to do with my life. Mission, marriage, career, family. I figure it's all in my future at some point, the question is just the order. But I have realized one thing. No one can stop me from doing whatever I want in my life. I've got a lot of life to live so why rush what i'm doing now?! As long as i'm in control and have a goal in sight what can stop me? Exactly. Nothing.

Masters in sociology? sure.
Family of my own? of course.
Save the world? yep.
Mission? umm get back to me on that one.

But it's all up to me, which is a pretty cool thing I think.

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