Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Food, Glorious Food

Food is a pretty important part of my experience here, so I thought I would show you a pretty average day of meals here in Northern Thailand. 

Breakfast: This is my favorite breakfast by far. Occasionally I slide my milk and cereal in, but there is nothin like a street vendor khao neo and moo ping (sticky rice and pork on a stick) for breakfast.

Lunch: This first picture is Somtom (papaya salad). I have had this quite a few times actually, usually for dinner though. It is SPICY! Oh baby! Apparently I need to increase my intake of spicy foods to get rid of these lameo mosquito's so... somtom, bring it on! I would also like to point out that there is a crab sitting on the side of the bowl. And surprise...there were 3 more just chillin in the salad waiting to be found by my fingers. (you eat this with your fingers and a ball of sticky rice by the way)

That is the picture of the entire lunch. And don't even worry...that was for three people. And did we eat it all? You betcha! It consists of the above mentioned somtom, chicken on a stick, pig skins, and khao neo sii dum (black sticky rice). This was one of my best lunches yet. Filling. But awesome!

That is Laura and I discovering the many hidden crabs. I need to perfect my crab eating skills though. I pretty much mutilated the poor thing to open it, then only managed to find a speck of food...I still don't get it.

At this point, that dead crab may look better than I do...

 Dinner: This was a special dinner. Anna took me to S&P's which is this Americanish restaurant with Thai food. After that WAYYYY filling breakfast and lunch I didn't think i'd be able to shove another thing into my mouth. And yet....like every day here...I found a way to manage and eat it. All of it.

This was our yummy milk shakes. But don't be decieved. "milk shake" in Thailand is NOTHING like a milk shake in America. They really mean it. Milk. That's it. They just decided to shake it for a sec to call it a milk SHAKE. No joke. These were a little bit more normal though, well my normal I guess.

That was Anna's dinner. Spring rolls I believe

And that is frizzy haired me eating my yummy soup/sea food/snot noodle dinner. Snot noodle you ask? Yeah, snot noodle. They look like slash have the texture of snot. I'm not even joking. It's taking some getting used to, but of course i'm managing.

Oh and that little guy...he was my after dinner snack. Well, he could have been my after dinner snack I guess. Got home, got out a cup, went to the fridge to get water, returned to my cup, found a little friend in my cup. I like to think all of his siblings will stay out of my cups from now on, we had a chat about it, this little guy and I.

I find I do that a lot these days. I walk into the bathroom or my bedroom and assess the animal/bug situation. Once I have located all of them we come to a little agreement. (Yes, they understand English if you were wondering. And if not English, the death stares I repeatedly give them should be sufficient.) The agreement: they stay where they are and I stay where I am and no one gets hurt. I'm glad these animals/bugs have complied so far. I'm not sure for whose sake though... someone will get hurt. I'm just hoping it's not me...

Anyway, throw some ice cream or sev snacks into that day somewhere and there ya have it, a day in the life of Thailand food. Let's be honest...good thing i'm sweating it off like a maniac...I hope ha

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