Friday, January 25, 2013

I Will Always Love You (love story part 6)

It sure was a magical day. Good ol August 18, 2012.
Definitely one for the books.

We met
We dodged some trouble
We fell in love
We decided to get married
We got engaged
We survived three months apart, including a proposal from another man

And now was the time to be married...finally.

It began early. Oh so early.

We had to be at the temple around 6am

Which meant my hair needed to be done in plenty of time before that. Word to the wise, or should I say, word from the not wise: do not make decisions about your wedding hair at 4 in the morning. Because it turns out no one should make such decisions so early in the morning...

Anyway, the temple was beautiful and it was amazing to be surrounded by family and friends as we made the most important commitment of our lives.

We were told to love each other above anything else.
Be best friends forever.
Never do anything to intentionally hurt one another.
And enjoy this journey of life together.

It was beautiful and simple, and we said "yes" and then we were married.

It is still surreal that it ever happened. But it did, and I am SO grateful for that.

Pure joy

Best roomies I could have asked for (minus 1)

His best boys

My life long friends (minus 2)

My new family!

Jonathan's new family!


Had to put this on here. My nephew asked why I was throwing him...


  1. I'm glad you didn't really send me any pictures, because I REALLY WISH I could have been there. :( but I'm glad I get to be "minus 1". That makes me feel better. :)

    1. I'm glad you are not mad at me for not sending pictures. I'm a slacker I tell you! But we certainly missed you, and you'll always be the minus 1 when I look at them :)
