Wednesday, July 27, 2011

If No One Will Listen...

...Record yourself so they have no choice? Umm sure.

So here I am in a Thai recording studio

Oh wait ha, my bad. That was me last week.

Today's picture isn't near as good but I guess I better put it up anyway.

I surely didn't think a recording studio would be one of my stops here in Thailand. But I guess I couldn't have predicted any parts of my experience here...

It was fun though, I felt pretty cool not gonna lie. I kept telling Anna though, they probably picked the most annoying English speaking American voice there is. But I guess I was their only option.

I also kept telling Anna that if she misses me while i'm gone she can just play my recording while she falls asleep. Nothin like hearin my screechy voice talking about organic farms to put ya to sleep!

Beats listening to a song about rockin cradles and imagining jumping sheep any day!

1 comment:

  1. You are so much prettier than Selena gomez...fro and all!
