Sunday, October 13, 2013

Run baby Run

I have found the best treadmill workout.
I sort of learned to bond with the thing while training for the marathon, due to my silly leg, I couldn't run outside on the uneven roads. Which left a lot of quality time for me and the dear dreadmill.... But this is a way to make the time fly by!

Here is what you do.

And you can adjust the incline of the treadmill, the length of the intervals, and the speed, so you can make it fit whatever level you're at!

Here is what I did yesterday as an example.

I run a 10 minute warm up
Then set the treadmill to a 7% incline
Walk for 2 minutes around a 3.6 mph
Then run for 1.5 minutes around a 6.5 pace.
Then alternate between the walk and run for as long as you can last, or how much time you have.
I make sure I do the walk at the same speed, but the run gets a little faster every time.

I did it for a half hour (not including the warm up) because I didn't have much time. I ran a little over 3 miles and burned over 550 calories!! The calories come off much faster if you run intervals, especially on that incline!

It makes the time go fast because you're constantly changing what you're doing. And you get a walking break every 1.5 minutes! Who doesn't love a walking break?!

Everyone should try this. Seriously.

Just make the incline a 5 or 6
Or make your walk pace a 3 and run pace a 5. Or a 4 and 8 if you can kick my butt.

Whatever you do, make sure you're really tired by the end of that 1.5 minute run, then you get 2 minutes to get yourself together and do it again!

It is definitely a way to make the treadmill bearable, especially as it gets colder!

Here are my goals this week. I've been sick this last week so it gave me just the excuse I needed to be a whimp... So i'm writing my goals out to make sure it doesn't happen again!

Monday: Run 4 total miles doing the workout above. Arms for 30 min.
Tuesday: Long run day...8 miles. Intramural football game.
Wednesday: Arms and Abs 1 hour. Intramural soccer game
Thursday: Whatever I am, weights, run. Let's be honest though...probably nothing.
Friday: 5 mile run. Arms for 30 min.
Saturday: 20 minute interval workouts my friend gave me (burpees, push-ups, sit-ups, squats)

Who knows how that will go, but at least it is an idea!

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