Tuesday, June 25, 2013

At least we made it this far

Juicing Day 3

What a day! I woke up from an awful dream about everything in my life going wrong. Let's just say I was excited to wake up. Then I got to live my dream in real life.

Just one of those days when everything seems to go wrong.

Not sure if I can attribute that to the fact that i've only had juice for 3 days, but i'm choosing to do so.

The cut finger while coring my apple
The juice I poured all over myself, not once, but twice
The endless papers I had to grade
And the all around spacey-ness I experienced today.

I read that people got a little spacey by day three, I didn't believe them. But I do now.

Anyway, some things did go right today.

My breakfast juice of peaches, sweet potato, apples and cinnamon was SO yummy. It was nice that it was not green. And it was nice that it was pure sweetness. I loved it.

And lunch was my favorite green juice by far! It was blueberries, pineapple, spinach, and ginger. The color of the shake was disgusting though. Especially when it was all over my shirt and pants...

But pre dinner/pre run snack was AWFUL! And I mean so awful I chugged half, while plugging my nose, then dumped half of it out. Eww. Gross. It was a lot like the first juice, spinach, kale, chard, lemon, ginger, and cucumber. But the addition of ginger made it sting my throat? I don't know. It was the worst thing ever. Even worse than the 100 year old egg I ate in Thailand....probably.

Here is where the day goes even more south...I really was feeling pretty good! I drank more juice than usual, I was tired but not too bad. But the second I started my 4 mile run I was DEAD. I mean, light headed, legs like weights, getting a little blurred vision. So bad I had to walk for a while. 

No good.

I've already experienced some injury training for this silly marathon, I didn't realize how much more stress I was putting on my body with the juicing.

So this is where my dilemma arose. I felt like I had so many options, and tons of conflicting advice from the internet.

1. Keep up my juice cleanse for the next 10 days like planned
2. Drink juice until dinner, then a dinner of only fruits and veggies
3. Drink juice until dinner, then a dinner of fruits and veggies and a little chicken
4. Drink juice until dinner then a dinner of whatever I want (within good reason)
5. Just juice for breakfast (which is what Jonathan and I want to make as a long term habit)
6. Stop juicing all together

So many options and I don't know what my body needs/wants.

I was pretty frustrated, and still haven't made my final decision.

But I was so light headed when I got home that I knew I needed something with substance. So eggs, beans, and spinach it was.

It felt good. My stomach feels a little weird now. But my pride is hurting more than anything.

A part of me is saying, at least I made it this far. But another part of me is wondering if I just ruined all the work i've done these last 3 days.

I'm not usually one to quit, and I feel like I just did.


  1. It sounds like your body was going to quit for you... so no worries. :)

  2. Yeah, you're running a MARATHON. I don't think the reboot was supposed to be done during the training. Do it after your marathon :)

  3. I need to come live with you guys...so that i will become as dedicated as you to that d**n marathon..love you
