Sunday, June 2, 2013


If you ask me or Jonathan, I think we'd tell you Switzerland was our favorite. Speaking of favorite, this is our favorite picture from the whole trip!

Don't get us wrong, we LOVED it all.

But the slow, quaint atmosphere of Switzerland won us over. It was truly the perfect ending to the fast paced, site seeing whirl-wind of London and Paris.

Plus, we were able to stay with the sweetest family ever! My father-in-law lived in London with his siblings for a few years of their young lives. They had an au pair girl to help out their mom and they've kept in touch with her.  So we were privileged to stay at her cozy house full of yummy chocolates, fresh bread, and endless cuckoo clocks and dolls.

And how do you not love a place with a bear pit in the middle of the town?

What a trip! Good food, good sites, good company. What more could you want?

It was an amazing experience to have with my new family, an experience I will never forget, and always be grateful for.

Until later Europe! All I ask is that I see you again soon. And to Switzerland, it BETTER not be cloudy next time. For all I know, Swiss Alps are a all our time there, I never saw a speck of Alp!

All the more reason to go back I say!

Also another reason to go back?...we ran out of our chocolate stash already...

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