Sunday, June 23, 2013

Drink with Me

Juicing Day 1

Well...not gonna lie. I don't think we are the biggest fans of juicing.

We had the highest hopes, expecting tropical delights every time we took a drink of that spinach/kale/cucumber/beet/ etc. juice. I don't know where that misconception came from...

...No blog I read mentioned how nasty the juice is. And how messy they are to make. And how expensive all the fruit and veggies are.

So the health benefits BETTER out weigh all these negatives we've managed to find on day one.

As for hunger, I haven't felt hungry all day which is nice. I'm thinking it's more because I dread the next juice a little bit so I convince myself I'm not hungry. Oh, and probably because it is only day one..

Jonathan keeps saying he wants chips and salsa, I don't blame him.

But we are pushing through.

We made three different juices today. It is recommended you have about 32-64 oz each day depending on your body size I assume. So in total I think we've had about 48 oz. today. I don't think I could put any more in me if I had to.

I've always hated V8 juice, so i'm not sure when I decided that i'd survive these 10 days. But like I said, the documentary managed to suck me in.

We started the morning off with an all vegetable medley of cucumber, spinach, chard, parsley, cilantro, and a little lemon.


If I NEVER have that again I will be okay. Jonathan and I were gagging the entire time. I thought we might die. SO gross. It makes me cringe just thinking about it. And we had to keep reliving it through church...tmi?

But I am glad to report that we survived, and the next two drinks got progressively better (and by better I mean, we are on a scale of super gross to manageable).


Round two was apple, pear, kale, cucumber and mint. Not too shabby...compared to the DISGUSTING drink from earlier.

And dinner was an oh so filling juice of beets, pineapple, cucumber, and lemon....

Not gonna lie, I think my favorite part of the day is going to be the pre-sleep cup of almond milk. I know it is not juice, but i'm dyin here people! It is day one and I already can't stand the look of the juicer. I glare at it every time I walk by.

Is it too much to ask for banana, fruity, smoothy goodness? I might just start making up my own happy recipes opposed to these killer all veggie ones. Yay for sugar!

And yay for surviving day 1!

Only 9 to go!

**I've gathered recipes from practically everywhere. But for these first three days we are sort of following this website. FYI.

1 comment:

  1. How did you pick your juicer? I watched the fat, sick, and nearly dead documentary and now I want to juice too! Haha
